20 Things to Consider When Choosing Mechanical Splicing or Vulcanisation
Choosing the ideal belt splice is important to ensure your belt conveyor system performs to its optimum level
Should you choose mechanical or vulcanised splices?
We have listed 20 things you can consider to assist you in choosing which splicing method is suitable for your conveyor belt repairs or to modify your current conveyor belt system.
Vulcanisation vs. Mechanical Splicing
There are many variables to consider when choosing between mechanical or vulcanised splices:
- Vulcanisation tends to be a lot longer lasting than mechanical splicing
- Vulcanising reduces the risk of snagging, tearing or other harmful wear to components
- Vulcanisation may require more time to complete
- Vulcanisation tends to be stronger than mechanical splicing
- Some environments and types of belts do not allow for a vulcanised splice
- Vulcanised splices tend to be stronger as they don’t have singular weak components
- Vulcanised splices wear from the inside out so damage may not be apparent
- Vulcanising reacts to shear forces which are superior to pull forces
- Mechanical fasteners react to pull forces which as less superior to shear forces
- Mechanical belt splicing can be subjected to eventual wearing
- Mechanical splices maybe easier to inspect for damage.
- Mechanical splicers tend to be more down time effective
- Mechanical fasteners may be readily removed if required to separate the belt
- Mechanical splicing tools are light weight and easily carried onto site
- Mechanical splicing reduces belt wastage.
- Mechanical splicing can be damaged by sift through of materials being carried on the belt
- Mechanical belt splicing is easier in most confined environments
- Mechanical belt splicing fasteners are not affected by temperature and have no shelf life
- Mechanical fasteners can be made with low profiles and coined edges which may not interfere with your load and products
- Mechanical fasteners may be made from various products such as plastic which are compatible with X-ray machines, metal detectors, and food applications
All State Conveyors have extensive experience with significant works for confined situations. For example, a major truck manufacturing company, have their sandblasting unit sitting over a pit and the retrieval process involves the conveyor recovering the blasting media from beneath for unit. The installation process was completed successfully without incident. Our team also have successfully completed projects for BHP, GMH and FORD as well as major power stations, quarries and mining companies.